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Dr Alexis Laungani

Destigmatizing the right to feel at home in one’s own skin.

Plastic surgery: A polarizing topic that raises more questions than answers. Between societal beauty norms and the pursuit of one's true self, how do we reconcile these desires? The industry’s industry's stereotypical imagery only exacerbate the confusion. Dr. Alexis Laungani has entrusted us with the mission of reimagining this practice, promoting a more human and artistic approach that emphasizes natural outcomes, accessibility, and diversity. This project challenges the status quo and ushers in a new era for the industry.


Brand Strategy
Website & Platform
Creative Content




Alexis Laungani


Health & Wellness
Art Direction
Laura Charette
Brand Strategy
Marie-France Latour
Creative Direction
Anne Sylvestre
Web Design
Alexia Brideau-Francoeur
Project Management
Geoffrey Dallaire-Gagné
Web Development
Félix Guérin
Technical Direction
Nicolas Brassard-Ferron
Account Management
Gabrielle Normand-Viau
Content Management
Stéphanie Forget
Creative Production
Marie-France Falardeau

Special thanks to our collaborators

Rodeo Production compagny · Lian Benoit Photograph · Emily Velasquez-Gilbert, Lam Dam Photo Assist · Julia Noël Set Designer · Matthew Khalili Videographer · Mayillah Ezekiel HMUA · Rachel Bélanger-Leclair Producer · Jérémy Gagnon Assist-Producer · Victoria Devault Production coordinator · Justine Marie Soulié, Matt Dulamon (Maven) Talents